
You are viewing the documentation for the latest Monix 3.x series.
Older versions: 2.x

Introduction #

Task is a data type for controlling possibly lazy & asynchronous computations, useful for controlling side-effects, avoiding nondeterminism and callback-hell.

To get the imports out of the way:

// In order to evaluate tasks, we'll need a Scheduler
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global

// A Future type that is also Cancelable
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture

// Task is in monix.eval
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
// Executing a sum, which (due to the semantics of apply)
// will happen on another thread. Nothing happens on building
// this instance though, this expression is pure, being
// just a spec! Task by default has lazy behavior ;-)
val task = Task { 1 + 1 }

// Tasks get evaluated only on runToFuture!
// Callback style:
val cancelable = task.runAsync { result =>
  result match {
    case Right(value) =>
    case Left(ex) =>
      System.out.println(s"ERROR: ${ex.getMessage}")
//=> 2

// Or you can convert it into a Future
val future: CancelableFuture[Int] =

// Printing the result asynchronously
//=> 2

Design Summary #

In summary the Monix Task:

  • models lazy & asynchronous evaluation
  • models a producer pushing only one value to one or multiple consumers
  • allows fine-grained control over the execution model
  • doesn’t trigger the execution, or any effects until runToFuture
  • doesn’t necessarily execute on another logical thread
  • allows for cancelling of a running computation
  • allows for controlling of side-effects, being just as potent as Haskell’s I/O ;-)
  • never blocks any threads in its implementation
  • does not expose any API calls that can block threads

A visual representation of where they sit in the design space:

  Eager Lazy
Synchronous A () => A
Asynchronous (A => Unit) => Unit (A => Unit) => Unit
  Future[A] Task[A]

Comparison with Scala’s Future #

Task sounds similar with Scala’s Future, but has a different character and the two types as you’ll see are actually complementary. A wise man once said:

A Future represents a value, detached from time” — Viktor Klang

That’s certainly a poetic notion, making one think about what values are and how they incorporate time. But more importantly, while we cannot say that a Future is a value, we can certainly say that it’s a value-wannabe, meaning that when users receive a Future reference, they know that whatever process that’s going to evaluate it has probably already started and it might have even finished already. This makes the behavior of Scala’s Future to be about eager evaluation and certainly its design helps with that, if you think about how it takes that implicit execution context whenever you call its operators, like map and flatMap.

But Task is different. Task is about lazy evaluation. Well, not always lazy, in fact Task allows for fine-tuning the execution model, as you’ll see, but that’s the primary distinction between them. If Future is like a value, then Task is like a function. And in fact Task can function as a “factory” of Future instances.

Another distinction is that Future is “memoized” by default, meaning that its result is going to be shared between multiple consumers if needed. But the evaluation of a Task is not memoized by default. No, you have to want memoization to happen, you have to specify it explicitly, as you’ll see.

In terms of efficiency, Future having eager behavior, happens to be less efficient because whatever operation you’re doing on it, the implementation will end up sending Runnable instances in the thread-pool and because the result is always memoized on each step, invoking that machinery (e.g. going into compare-and-set loops) whatever you’re doing. On the other hand Task can do execution in synchronous batches.

Comparison with the Scalaz Task #

It’s no secret that the Monix Task was inspired by the Scalaz Task, an otherwise solid implementation. The whole Monix library stands on the shoulders of giants. But where the Monix Task implementation disagrees:

  1. The Scalaz Task is leaking implementation details. This is because the Scalaz Task is first and foremost about trampolined execution, but asynchronous execution is about jumping over asynchronous and thus trampoline boundaries. So the API is limited by what the trampoline can do and for example in order to not block the current thread in a big loop, you have to manually insert async boundaries yourself by means of Task.executeAsync. The Monix Task on the other hand manages to do that automatically by default, which is very useful when running on top of Javascript, where cooperative multitasking is not only nice to have, but required.
  2. The Scalaz Task has a dual synchronous / asynchronous personality. That is fine for optimization purposes as far as the producer is concerned (i.e. why fork a thread when you don’t have to), but from the consumer’s point of view having a def run: A means that the API cannot be fully supported on top of Javascript and on top of the JVM it means that the Task ends up faking synchronous evaluation and blocking threads. And blocking threads is very unsafe.
  3. The Scalaz Task cannot cancel running computations. This is important for nondeterministic operations. For example when you create a race condition with a race, you may want to cancel the slower task that didn’t finish in time, because unfortunately, if we don’t release resources soon enough, we can end up with serious leakage that can crash our process.
  4. The Scalaz Task piggybacks on top of Java’s standard library for dealing with asynchronous execution. This is bad for portability reasons, as this API is not supported on top of Scala.js.

Execution (runToFuture & foreach) #

Task instances won’t do anything until they are executed by means of runToFuture. And there are multiple overloads of it.

Task.runToFuture also wants an implicit Scheduler in scope, that can supplant your ExecutionContext (since it inherits from it). But this is where the design of Task diverges from Scala’s own Future. The Task being lazy, it only wants this Scheduler on execution with runToFuture, instead of wanting it on every operation (like map or flatMap), the way that Scala’s Future does.

So first things first, we need a Scheduler in scope. The global is piggybacking on Scala’s own global, so now you can do this:

import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global

NOTE: The Scheduler can inject a configurable execution model which determines how asynchronous boundaries get forced (or not). Read up on it.

The most straightforward and idiomatic way would be to execute tasks and get a CancelableFuture in return, which is a standard Future paired with a Cancelable:

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.CancelableFuture
import concurrent.duration._

val task = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second)

val result: CancelableFuture[Int] =

// If we change our mind

Returning a Future might be too heavy for your needs, you might want to provide a simple callback. We can also runAsync with a Either[Throwable, A] => Unit callback, similar to the standard Future.onComplete.

val task = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second)

val cancelable = task.runAsync { result =>
  result match {
    case Right(value) =>
    case Left(ex) =>
      System.err.println(s"ERROR: ${ex.getMessage}")

// If we change our mind...

We can also runAsync with a Callback instance. This is like a Java-ish API, useful in case, for any reason whatsoever, you want to keep state. Callback is also used internally, because it allows us to guard against contract violations and to avoid the boxing specific to Try[T] or Either[E, A]. Sample:

import monix.execution.Callback

val task = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second)

val cancelable = task.runAsync(
  new Callback[Throwable, Int] {
    def onSuccess(value: Int): Unit =
    def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
      System.err.println(s"ERROR: ${ex.getMessage}")

// If we change our mind...

But if you just want to trigger some side-effects quickly, you can just use foreach directly:

val task = Task { println("Effect!"); "Result" }

task.foreach { result => println(result) }
//=> Effect!
//=> Result

// Or we can use for-comprehensions
for (result <- task) {

NOTE: foreach on Task does not block, but returns a CancelableFuture[Unit] that can be used to block on the execution, or for cancellation.

Blocking for a Result #

Monix is against blocking as a matter of philosophy, therefore Task doesn’t have any API calls that blocks threads, none!

However, on top of the JVM sometimes we have to block. And if we have to block, Monix doesn’t try to outsmart Scala’s standard library, because the standard Await.result and Await.ready have two healthy design choices:

  1. These calls use Scala’s BlockContext in their implementation, signaling to the underlying thread-pool that a blocking operation is being executed, allowing the thread-pool to act on it. For example it might decide to add more threads in the pool, like Scala’s ForkJoinPool is doing.
  2. These calls require a very explicit timeout parameter, specified as a FiniteDuration, triggering a TimeoutException in case that specified timespan is exceeded without the source being ready.

Therefore in order to block on a result, you have to first convert it into a Future by means of runToFuture and then you can block on it:

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val task = Task.eval("Hello!").executeAsync
val future = task.runToFuture

Await.result(future, 3.seconds)
//=> Hello!

NOTE: There is no blocking on Scala.js by design.

Try Immediate Execution #

Monix is against blocking, we’ve established that. But clearly some Task instances can be evaluated immediately on the current logical thread, if allowed by the execution model. And for optimization purposes, we might want to act immediately on their results, avoiding dealing with callbacks.

To do that, we can use runSyncStep:

val task = Task.eval("Hello!")

task.runSyncStep match {
  case Left(task) =>
    // No luck, this Task really wants async execution
    task.runToFuture.foreach(r => println(s"Async: $r"))
  case Right(result) =>
    println(s"Got lucky: $result")

NOTE: as it happens, by default the runSyncStep evaluation is executing things on the current thread, unless an async boundary is forced by the underlying loop. So this code will always print “Got Lucky” ;-)

Simple Builders #

If you can accept its possibly asynchronous nature, Task can replace functions accepting zero arguments, Scala by-name params and lazy val. And any Scala Future is convertible to Task.

Task.now #

Task.now lifts an already known value in the Task context, the equivalent of Future.successful or of Applicative.pure:

val task = Task.now { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
//=> Effect
// task: monix.eval.Task[String] = Delay(Now(Hello!))

Task.eval (delay) #

Task.eval is the equivalent of Function0, taking a function that will always be evaluated on runToFuture, possibly on the same thread (depending on the chosen execution model):

val task = Task.eval { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// task: monix.eval.Task[String] = Delay(Always(<function0>))

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

// The evaluation (and thus all contained side effects)
// gets triggered on each runToFuture:
//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

NOTE: for Scalaz converts, this function is also aliased as Task.delay.

Task.evalOnce #

Task.evalOnce is the equivalent of a lazy val, a type that cannot be precisely expressed in Scala. The evalOnce builder does memoization on the first run, such that the result of the evaluation will be available for subsequent runs. It also has guaranteed idempotency and thread-safety:

val task = Task.evalOnce { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// task: monix.eval.Task[String] = EvalOnce(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

// Result was memoized on the first run!
//=> Hello!

NOTE: this operation is effectively Task.eval(f).memoize.

Task.defer (suspend) #

Task.defer is about building a factory of tasks. For example this will behave approximately like Task.eval:

val task = Task.defer {
  Task.now { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// task: monix.eval.Task[String] = Suspend(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

NOTE: for Scalaz converts, this function is also aliased as Task.suspend.

Task.fromFuture #

Task.fromFuture can convert any Scala Future instance into a Task:

import scala.concurrent.Future

val future = Future { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
val task = Task.fromFuture(future)
//=> Effect

//=> Hello!
//=> Hello!

Note that fromFuture takes a strict argument and that may not be what you want. You might want a factory of Future. The design of Task however is to have fine-grained control over the evaluation model, so in case you want a factory, you need to combine it with Task.defer:

val task = Task.defer {
  val future = Future { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
//=> task: monix.eval.Task[Int] = Suspend(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!
//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

Task.deferFuture #

A Future reference is like a strict value, meaning that when you receive one, whatever process that’s supposed to complete it has probably started already.

Therefore it makes sense to defer the evaluation of futures when building tasks:

val task = Task.defer {
  val future = Future { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }

As a shortcut, you can also use the deferFuture builder, which is equivalent with the above:

val task = Task.deferFuture {
  Future { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }

Task.deferFutureAction #

Wraps calls that generate Future results into Task, provided a callback with an injected Scheduler to act as the necessary ExecutionContext.

This builder helps with wrapping Future-enabled APIs that need an implicit ExecutionContext to work. Consider this example:

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

def sumFuture(list: Seq[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Int] =

We’d like to wrap this function into one that returns a lazy Task that evaluates this sum every time it is called, because that’s how tasks work best. However in order to invoke this function an ExecutionContext is needed:

def sumTask(list: Seq[Int])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Task[Int] =

But this is not only superfluous, but against the best practices of using Task. The difference is that Task takes a Scheduler (inheriting from ExecutionContext) only when runToFuture gets called, but we don’t need it just for building a Task reference. With deferFutureAction we get to have an injected Scheduler in the passed callback:

def sumTask(list: Seq[Int]): Task[Int] =
  Task.deferFutureAction { implicit scheduler =>

Voilà! No more implicit ExecutionContext passed around.

Task.executeAsync, Task.asyncBoundary, Task.executeOn #

Task.executeAsync ensures an asynchronous boundary, forcing the fork of a (logical) thread on execution. Sometimes we are doing something really wasteful and we want to guarantee that an asynchronous boundary happens, given that by default the execution model prefers to execute things on the current thread, at first.

So this guarantees that our task will get executed asynchronously:

val task = Task.eval("Hello!").executeAsync

ExecuteOn allows us to specify an alternative Scheduler to use. You see, the run-loop of Task always has a Scheduler available, but for certain operations you might want to divert the processing to an alternative scheduler. For example you might want to execute blocking I/O operations on an alternative thread-pool.

Lets assume we have 2 thread-pools:

// The default scheduler
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global

// Creating a special scheduler meant for I/O
import monix.execution.Scheduler
lazy val io = Scheduler.io(name="my-io")

Then we can manage what executes on which:

// Override the default Scheduler by fork:
val source = Task(println(s"Running on thread: ${Thread.currentThread.getName}"))
val forked = source.executeOn(io)

//=> Running on thread: ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1
//=> Running on thread: my-io-4

Note that, unless another asynchronous boundary is scheduled on the default Scheduler, execution remains on the last scheduler (thread-pool) used. Notice what happens in this combination:

val onFinish = Task.eval(
  println(s"Ends on thread: ${Thread.currentThread.getName}")

val cancelable = {
  source.flatMap(_ => forked)
    .doOnFinish(_ => onFinish)

//=> Running on thread: ForkJoinPool-1-worker-7
//=> Running on thread: my-io-1
//=> Ends on thread: my-io-1

But if we insert another async boundary, then it switches back to the default:

val asyncBoundary = Task.unit.executeAsync
val onFinish = Task.eval(
  println(s"Ends on thread: ${Thread.currentThread.getName}"))

val cancelable = {
  source // executes on global
    .flatMap(_ => forked) // executes on io
    .flatMap(_ => asyncBoundary) // switch back to global
    .doOnFinish(_ => onFinish) // executes on global

//=> Running on thread: ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5
//=> Running on thread: my-io-2
//=> Ends on thread: ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5

But Task also provides a convenient operator for introducing an asynchronous boundary without having to manually do this trick, called Task.asyncBoundary:

val task = {
  source // executes on global
    .flatMap(_ => forked) // executes on io
    .asyncBoundary // switch back to global
    .doOnFinish(_ => onFinish) // executes on global

Note that overriding of the scheduler can only happen once, as Task instances are immutable, so the following does not work, because for the forked instance the Scheduler was already set in stone and we only have flexibility to override the default if it hasn’t been overridden already:

// Trying to execute on global
//=> Running on thread: my-io-4

General advice: unless you’re doing blocking I/O, keep using the default thread-pool, with global being a good default. For blocking I/O it is OK to have a second thread-pool, but isolate those I/O operations and only override the scheduler for actual I/O operations.

Task.raiseError #

Task.raiseError can lift errors in the monadic context of Task:

import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

val error = Task.raiseError[Int](new TimeoutException)
// error: monix.eval.Task[Int] =
//   Delay(Error(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException))

error.runAsync(result => println(result))
//=> Left(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

Task.never #

Task.never returns a Task instance that never completes:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

// A Task instance that never completes
val never = Task.never[Int]

val timedOut = never.timeoutTo(3.seconds,
  Task.raiseError(new TimeoutException))

timedOut.runAsync(r => println(r))
// After 3 seconds:
// => Left(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

This instance is shared, so that can relieve some stress from the garbage collector.

Task.unit #

Task.unit is returning an already completed Task[Unit] instance, provided as a utility, to spare you creating new instances with Task.now(()):

val task = Task.unit
// task: monix.eval.Task[Unit] = Delay(Now(()))

This instance is shared, so that can relieve some stress from the garbage collector.

Asynchronous Builders #

You can use any async API to build a Task. There’s an unsafe version, for people knowing what they are doing and a safe version, that handles some of the nitty-gritty automatically.

Task.create #

Also known as Task.async (for Scalaz refugees), the Task.create function allows for creating an asynchronous Task using a callback-based API. For example, let’s create a utility that evaluates expressions with a given delay:

import scala.util.Try
import concurrent.duration._

def evalDelayed[A](delay: FiniteDuration)
  (f: => A): Task[A] = {

  // On execution, we have the scheduler and
  // the callback injected ;-)
  Task.create { (scheduler, callback) =>
    val cancelable =
      scheduler.scheduleOnce(delay) {

    // We must return something that can
    // cancel the async computation

And here’s a possible implementation of Task.fromFuture, in case you choose to implement it yourself:

import monix.execution.Cancelable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}

def fromFuture[A](f: Future[A]): Task[A] =
  Task.create { (scheduler, callback) =>
      case Success(value) =>
      case Failure(ex) =>

    // Scala Futures are not cancelable, so
    // we shouldn't pretend that they are!

Some notes:

  • Tasks created with this builder are guaranteed to execute asynchronously (on another logical thread)
  • The Scheduler gets injected and with it we can schedule things for async execution, we can delay, etc…
  • But as said, this callback will already execute asynchronously, so you don’t need to explicitly schedule things to run on the provided Scheduler, unless you really need to do it.
  • The Callback gets injected on execution and that callback has a contract. In particular you need to execute onSuccess or onError or apply only once. The implementation does a reasonably good job to protect against contract violations, but if you do call it multiple times, then you’re doing it risking undefined and nondeterministic behavior.
  • It’s OK to return a Cancelable.empty in case the executed process really can’t be canceled in time, but you should strive to return a cancelable that does cancel your execution, if possible.

Memoization #

The Task#memoize operator can take any Task and apply memoization on the first runToFuture, such that:

  1. you have guaranteed idempotency, calling runToFuture multiple times will have the same effect as calling it once
  2. subsequent runToFuture calls will reuse the result computed by the first runToFuture

So memoize effectively caches the result of the first runToFuture. In fact we can say that:

Task.evalOnce(f) <-> Task.eval(f).memoize

They are effectively the same. And memoize works with any task reference:

// Has async execution, to do the .apply semantics
val task = Task { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }

val memoized = task.memoize

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

//=> Hello!

Memoize Only on Success #

Sometimes you just want memoization, along with idempotency guarantees, only for successful values. For failures you might want to keep retrying until a successful value is available.

This is where the memoizeOnSuccess operator comes in handy:

var effect = 0

val source = Task.eval {
  effect += 1
  if (effect < 3) throw new RuntimeException("dummy") else effect

val cached = source.memoizeOnSuccess

val f1 = cached.runToFuture // yields RuntimeException
val f2 = cached.runToFuture // yields RuntimeException
val f3 = cached.runToFuture // yields 3
val f4 = cached.runToFuture // yields 3

Memoize versus runToFuture #

You can say that when we do this:

val task = Task { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
val future = task.runToFuture

That future instance is also going to be a memoized value of the first runToFuture execution, which can be reused for other onComplete subscribers.

The difference is the same as the difference between Task and Future. The memoize operation is lazy, evaluation only being triggered on the first runToFuture, whereas the result of runToFuture is eager.

Operations #

FlatMap and Tail-Recursive Loops #

So let’s start with a simple example that calculates the N-th number in the Fibonacci sequence:

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = {
 if (cycles > 0)
   fib(cycles-1, b, a + b)

We need this to be tail-recursive, hence the use of the @tailrec annotation from Scala’s standard library. And if we’d describe it with Task, one possible implementation would be:

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Task[BigInt] = {
 if (cycles > 0)
   Task.defer(fib(cycles-1, b, a+b))

And now there are already differences. This is lazy, as the N-th Fibonacci number won’t get calculated until we runToFuture. The @tailrec annotation is also not needed, as this is stack (and heap) safe.

Task has flatMap, which is the monadic bind operation, that for things like Task and Future is the operation that describes recursivity or that forces ordering (e.g. execute this, then that, then that). And we can use it to describe recursive calls:

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Task[BigInt] =
  Task.eval(cycles > 0).flatMap {
    case true =>
      fib(cycles-1, b, a+b)
    case false =>

Again, this is stack safe and uses a constant amount of memory, so no @tailrec annotation is needed or wanted. And it has lazy behavior, as nothing will get triggered until runToFuture happens.

But we can also have mutually tail-recursive calls, w00t!

// Mutual Tail Recursion, ftw!!!
  def odd(n: Int): Task[Boolean] =
    Task.eval(n == 0).flatMap {
      case true => Task.now(false)
      case false => even(n - 1)

  def even(n: Int): Task[Boolean] =
    Task.eval(n == 0).flatMap {
      case true => Task.now(true)
      case false => odd(n - 1)


Again, this is stack safe and uses a constant amount of memory. And best of all, because of the execution model, by default these loops won’t block the current thread forever, preferring to execute things in batches.

Parallelism (cats.Parallel) #

When using flatMap, we often end up with this:

val locationTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)
val phoneTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)
val addressTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)

// Ordered operations based on flatMap ...
val aggregate = for {
  location <- locationTask
  phone <- phoneTask
  address <- addressTask
} yield {

For one the problem here is that these operations are executed in order. This also happens with Scala’s standard Future, being sometimes an unwanted effect, but because Task is lazily evaluated, this effect is even more pronounced with Task.

But Task also has a cats.Parallel implementation, being able to trigger evaluation of multiple tasks in parallel and hence it has utilities, such as parZip2, parZip3, up until parZip6 (at the moment of writing). The example above could be written as:

val locationTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)
val phoneTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)
val addressTask: Task[String] = Task.eval(???)

// Potentially executed in parallel
val aggregate =
  Task.parZip3(locationTask, phoneTask, addressTask).map {
    case (location, phone, address) => "Gotcha!"

In order to avoid boxing into tuples, you can also use parMap2, parMap3parMap6:

Task.parMap3(locationTask, phoneTask, addressTask) {
  (location, phone, address) => "Gotcha!"

And you can use Cats’ syntax for parMapN:

import cats.syntax.all._

(locationTask, phoneTask, addressTask).parMapN {
  (location, phone, address) => "Gotcha!"

Also see the documentation for cats.Parallel.

Gather results from a Seq of Tasks #

Task.sequence, takes a Seq[Task[A]] and returns a Task[Seq[A]], thus transforming any sequence of tasks into a task with a sequence of results and with ordered effects and results. This means that the tasks WILL NOT execute in parallel.

val ta = Task { println("Effect1"); 1 }
val tb = Task { println("Effect2"); 2 }

val list: Task[Seq[Int]] =
  Task.sequence(Seq(ta, tb))

// We always get this ordering:
//=> Effect1
//=> Effect2
//=> List(1, 2)

The results are ordered in the order of the initial sequence, so that means in the example above we are guaranteed in the result to first get the result of ta (the first task) and then the result of tb (the second task). The execution itself is also ordered, so ta executes and completes before tb.

Task.parSequence, similar to Parallel.parSequence, is the nondeterministic version of Task.sequence. It also takes a Seq[Task[A]] and returns a Task[Seq[A]], thus transforming any sequence of tasks into a task with a sequence of ordered results. But the effects are not ordered, meaning that there’s potential for parallel execution:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val ta = {
  Task { println("Effect1"); 1 }

val tb = {
  Task { println("Effect2"); 2 }

val list: Task[Seq[Int]] = Task.parSequence(Seq(ta, tb))

//=> Effect1
//=> Effect2
//=> List(1, 2)

//=> Effect2
//=> Effect1
//=> List(1, 2)

Task.parSequenceUnordered is like parSequence, except that you don’t get ordering for results or effects. The result is thus highly nondeterministic, but yields better performance than parSequence:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val ta = {
  Task { println("Effect1"); 1 }

val tb = {
  Task { println("Effect2"); 2 }

val list: Task[Seq[Int]] =
  Task.parSequenceUnordered(Seq(ta, tb))

//=> Effect2
//=> Effect1
//=> Seq(2,1)

//=> Effect1
//=> Effect2
//=> Seq(1,2)

Task.traverse, takes a Seq[A], f: A => Task[B] and returns a Task[Seq[B]]. This is similar to Task.sequence but it uses f to generate each Task.

All Task.sequence semantics hold meaning the effects are ordered and the tasks WILL NOT execute in parallel.

def task(i: Int) = Task { println("Effect" + i); i }

val list: Task[Seq[Int]] =
  Task.traverse(Seq(1, 2))(i => task(i))

// We always get this ordering:
//=> Effect1
//=> Effect2
//=> List(1, 2)

Task.parTraverse, similar to Parallel.parTraverse, is the nondeterministic version of Task.traverse. It also takes a Seq[A], f: A => Task[B] and returns a Task[Seq[B]]. It applies f to each element in the sequence transforming it into Task and then collecting results. The order in the output sequence is preserved, but the effects are not ordered, meaning that there’s potential for parallel execution:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

def task(i: Int) = 
  Task { println("Effect" + i); i }.delayExecution(1.second)

val list: Task[Seq[Int]] = Task.parTraverse(Seq(1, 2))(i => task(i))

//=> Effect1
//=> Effect2
//=> List(1, 2)

//=> Effect2
//=> Effect1
//=> List(1, 2)

Similar to parSequenceUnordered there is also unordered version of parTraverse called parTraverseUnordered.

NOTE: If you have the possibility, prefer explicitly using Task operators instead of those provided by Cats syntax. Their default implementations are derived from other methods and are often much slower than optimized Task versions.

Refer to the table below to see corresponding methods:

Monix Cats
Task.sequence Traverse[F].sequence
Task.traverse Traverse[F].traverse
Task.parSequence Parallel.parSequence
Task.parTraverse Parallel.parTraverse

Race #

The racePair operation will choose the winner between two Task that will potentially run in parallel:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val ta = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second)
val tb = Task(10).delayExecution(1.second)

val race = Task.racePair(ta, tb).runToFuture.foreach {
  case Left((a, fiber)) =>
    fiber.cancel.flatMap { _ =>
      Task.eval(println(s"A succeeded: $a"))
  case Right((fiber, b)) =>
    fiber.cancel.flatMap { _ =>
      Task.eval(println(s"B succeeded: $b"))

The result generated will be an Either of tuples, giving you the opportunity to do something with the other task that lost the race. You can cancel it, or you can use its result somehow, or you can simply ignore it, your choice depending on use-case.

Race Many #

The raceMany operation takes as input a list of tasks, and upon execution will generate the result of the first task that completes and wins the race:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val ta = Task(1 + 1).delayExecution(1.second)
val tb = Task(10).delayExecution(1.second)

  Task.raceMany(Seq(ta, tb))
    .foreach(r => println(s"Winner: $r"))

It is similar to Scala’s Future.firstCompletedOf operation, except that it operates on Task and upon execution it has a better model, as when a task wins the race the other tasks get immediately canceled.

If you want to ignore errors and wait for the first successful result you could combine it with onErrorHandleWith and timeout:

import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
import monix.execution.exceptions.DummyException
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val timeout = 30.second

val task1 = Task.eval(10).delayExecution(3.second)
val task2 = Task.raiseError[Int](DummyException("error")).delayExecution(2.second)
val task3 = Task.raiseError[Int](DummyException("error")).delayExecution(1.second)
val tasks: List[Task[Int]] = List(task1, task2, task3)

val result: Task[Int] = Task.raceMany(tasks.map(_.onErrorHandleWith(_ => Task.never))).timeout(timeout)

println(result.runSyncUnsafe()) // will print 10

It will turn any failed tasks into non-terminating.

Timeout is necessary in case all tasks fail. In the example above, if task1 also fails we will have to wait for the timeout to expire despite knowing that we won’t get any successful result.

We can optimize it by doing second race that uses Semaphore:

import cats.effect.concurrent.Semaphore
import cats.syntax.apply._
import monix.eval.Task
import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global
import monix.execution.exceptions.DummyException
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val task1 = Task.raiseError[Int](DummyException("error")).delayExecution(3.second)
val task2 = Task.raiseError[Int](DummyException("error")).delayExecution(2.second)
val task3 = Task.raiseError[Int](DummyException("error")).delayExecution(1.second)
val tasks: List[Task[Int]] = List(task1, task2, task3)

val semaphore = Semaphore[Task](0)

val result: Task[Either[Unit, Int]] = semaphore.flatMap { sem =>
    Task.raceMany(tasks.map(_.onErrorHandleWith(_ => sem.release *> Task.never)))

println(result.runSyncUnsafe()) // will finish and print after 3 seconds

Delay Execution #

Task.delayExecution, as the name says, delays the execution of a given task by the given timespan.

In this example we are delaying the execution of the source by 3 seconds:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val source = Task {
  "Hello, world!"

val delayed = source.delayExecution(3.seconds)

Or, instead of a delay we might want to use another Task as the signal for starting the execution, so the following example is equivalent to the one above:

val source = Task {
  "Hello, world!"

  .flatMap(_ => source)

Delay Signaling of the Result #

Task.delayResult delays the signaling of the result, but not the execution of the Task. Consider this example:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val source = Task {
  "Hello, world!"

val delayed = {


Here, you’ll see the “side-effect happening after only 1 second, but the signaling of the result will happen after another 5 seconds.

Restart Until Predicate is True #

The Task being a spec, we can restart it at will. Task.restartUntil(predicate) does just that, executing the source over and over again, until the given predicate is true:

import scala.util.Random

val randomEven = {
    .restartUntil(_ % 2 == 0)

//=> -2097793116
//=> 1246761488
//=> 1053678416

Clean-up Resources on Finish #

Task.doOnFinish executes the supplied Option[Throwable] => Task[Unit] function when the source finishes, being meant for cleaning up resources or executing some scheduled side-effect:

val task = Task(1)

val withFinishCb = task.doOnFinish {
  case None =>
    println("Was success!")
  case Some(ex) =>
    println(s"Had failure: $ex")

//=> Was success!
//=> 1

Convert to Reactive Publisher #

Did you know that Monix integrates with the Reactive Streams specification?

Well, Task can be seen as an org.reactivestreams.Publisher that emits exactly one event upon subscription and then stops. And we can convert any Task to such a publisher directly:

val task = Task.eval(Random.nextInt())

val publisher: org.reactivestreams.Publisher[Int] =

This is meant for interoperability purposes with other libraries, but if you’re inclined to use it directly, it’s a little lower level, but doable:

import org.reactivestreams._

publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber[Int] {
  def onSubscribe(s: Subscription): Unit =

  def onNext(e: Int): Unit =
    println(s"OnNext: $e")

  def onComplete(): Unit =

  def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
    System.err.println(s"ERROR: $ex")

// Will print:
//=> OnNext: -228329246
//=> OnComplete

Awesome, isn’t it?


Error Handling #

Task takes error handling very seriously. You see, there’s this famous thought experiment regarding observation:

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Now this applies very well to error handling, because if an error is triggered by an asynchronous process and there’s nobody to hear it, no handler to catch it and log it or recover from it, then it didn’t happen. And what you’ll get is nondeterminism without any hints of the error involved.

This is why Monix will always attempt to catch and signal or at least log any errors that happen. In case signaling is not possible for whatever reason (like the callback was already called), then the logging is done by means of the provided Scheduler.reportFailure, which defaults to System.err, unless you provide something more concrete, like going through SLF4J or whatever.

Even though Monix expects for the arguments given to its operators, like flatMap, to be pure or at least protected from errors, it still catches errors, signaling them on runAsync:

val task = Task(Random.nextInt()).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case odd =>
    throw new IllegalStateException(odd.toString)

task.runAsync(r => println(r))
//=> Right(-924040280)

task.runAsync(r => println(r))
//=> Left(java.lang.IllegalStateException: 834919637)

In case an error happens in the callback provided to runAsync, then Monix can no longer signal an onError, because it would be a contract violation (see Callback). But it still logs the error:

import scala.concurrent.duration._

// Ensures asynchronous execution, just to show
// that the action doesn't happen on the
// current thread
val task = Task(2).delayExecution(1.second)

task.runAsync { r =>
  throw new IllegalStateException(r.toString)

// After 1 second, this will log the whole stack trace:
//=> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Right(2)
//=>    ...
//=>	at monix.eval.Task$$anon$3.onSuccess(Task.scala:78)
//=>	at monix.eval.Callback$SafeCallback.onSuccess(Callback.scala:66)
//=>	at monix.eval.Task$.trampoline$1(Task.scala:1248)
//=>	at monix.eval.Task$.monix$eval$Task$$resume(Task.scala:1304)
//=>	at monix.eval.Task$AsyncStateRunnable$$anon$20.onSuccess(Task.scala:1432)
//=>    ....

Similarly, when using Task.create, Monix attempts to catch any uncaught errors, but because we did not know what happened in the provided callback, we cannot signal the error as it would be a contract violation (see Callback), but Monix does log the error:

val task = Task.create[Int] { (scheduler, callback) =>
  (throw new IllegalStateException("FTW!")): Unit

val future = task.runToFuture

// Logs the following to System.err:
//=> java.lang.IllegalStateException: FTW!
//=>    ...
//=> 	at monix.eval.Task$$anonfun$create$1.apply(Task.scala:576)
//=> 	at monix.eval.Task$$anonfun$create$1.apply(Task.scala:571)
//=> 	at monix.eval.Task$AsyncStateRunnable.run(Task.scala:1429)
//=>    ...

future.onComplete(r => println(r))

WARNING: In this case the consumer side never gets a completion signal. The moral of the story is: even if Monix makes a best effort to do the right thing, you should protect your freaking code against unwanted exceptions, especially in Task.create!!!

Overriding the Error Logging #

The article on Scheduler has recipes for building your own Scheduler instances, with your own logic. But here’s a quick snippet for building such a Scheduler that could do logging by means of a library, such as the standard SLF4J:

import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.execution.Scheduler.{global => default}
import monix.execution.UncaughtExceptionReporter
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

val reporter = UncaughtExceptionReporter { ex =>
  val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("monix")
  logger.error("Uncaught exception", ex)

implicit val global: Scheduler =
  Scheduler(default, reporter)

Trigger a Timeout #

In case a Task is too slow to execute, we can cancel it and trigger a TimeoutException using Task.timeout:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

val source =

// Triggers error if the source does not
// complete in 3 seconds after runAsync
val timedOut = source.timeout(3.seconds)

timedOut.runAsync(r => println(r))
//=> Failure(TimeoutException)

On timeout the source gets canceled (if it’s a source that supports cancelation). And instead of an error, we can timeout to a fallback task. The following example is equivalent to the above one:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

val source =

val timedOut = source.timeoutTo(
  Task.raiseError(new TimeoutException)

timedOut.runAsync(r => println(r))
//=> Left(TimeoutException)

Recovering from Error #

Task.onErrorHandleWith is an operation that takes a function mapping possible exceptions to a desired fallback outcome, so we could do this:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

val source = {

val recovered = source.onErrorHandleWith {
  case _: TimeoutException =>
    // Oh, we know about timeouts, recover it
  case other =>
    // We have no idea what happened, raise error!

//=> Recovered!

There’s also Task.onErrorRecoverWith that takes a partial function instead, so we can omit the “other” branch:

val recovered = source.onErrorRecoverWith {
  case _: TimeoutException =>
    // Oh, we know about timeouts, recover it

//=> Recovered!

Task.onErrorHandleWith and Task.onErrorRecoverWith are the equivalent of flatMap, only for errors. In case we know or can evaluate a fallback result eagerly, we could use the shortcut operation Task.onErrorHandle like:

val recovered = source.onErrorHandle {
  case _: TimeoutException =>
    // Oh, we know about timeouts, recover it
  case other =>
    throw other // Rethrowing

Or the partial function version with onErrorRecover:

val recovered = source.onErrorRecover {
  case _: TimeoutException =>
    // Oh, we know about timeouts, recover it

Restart On Error #

The Task type, being just a specification, it can usually restart whatever process is supposed to deliver the final result and we can restart the source on error, for how many times are needed:

import scala.util.Random

val source = Task(Random.nextInt()).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case other =>
    Task.raiseError(new IllegalStateException(other.toString))

// Will retry 4 times for a random even number,
// or fail if the maxRetries is reached!
val randomEven = source.onErrorRestart(maxRetries = 4)

We can also restart with a given predicate:

import scala.util.Random

val source = Task(Random.nextInt()).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case other =>
    Task.raiseError(new IllegalStateException(other.toString))

// Will keep retrying for as long as the source fails
// with an IllegalStateException
val randomEven = source.onErrorRestartIf {
  case _: IllegalStateException => true
  case _ => false

Or we could implement our own retry with exponential backoff, because it’s cool doing so:

def retryBackoff[A](source: Task[A],
  maxRetries: Int, firstDelay: FiniteDuration): Task[A] = {

  source.onErrorHandleWith {
    case ex: Exception =>
      if (maxRetries > 0)
        // Recursive call, it's OK as Monix is stack-safe
        retryBackoff(source, maxRetries-1, firstDelay*2)

Expose Errors #

The Task monadic context is hiding errors that happen, much like Scala’s Try or Future. But sometimes we want to expose those errors such that we can recover more efficiently:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

val source = Task.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)
val materialized: Task[Try[Int]] =

// Now we can flatMap over both success and failure:
val recovered = materialized.flatMap {
  case Success(value) => Task.now(value)
  case Failure(_) => Task.now(0)

//=> 0

There’s also the reverse of materialize, which is Task.dematerialize:

import scala.util.Try

val source = Task.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)

// Exposing errors
val materialized = source.materialize
// materialize: Task[Try[Int]] = ???

// Hiding errors again
val dematerialized = materialized.dematerialize
// dematerialized: Task[Int] = ???

We can also convert any Task into a Task[Throwable] that will expose any errors that happen and will also terminate with an NoSuchElementException in case the source completes with success:

val source = Task.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)

val throwable = source.failed
// throwable: Task[Throwable] = ???

//=> java.lang.IllegalStateException