Older versions: 2.x
is a listener type that can be called asynchronously with
the result of a computation.
When building an asynchronous Task
, on execution the API gives you a
instance that you can invoke with the result of a
computation, on completion. Its definition is something like:
trait Callback[-E, -A] extends (Either[E, A] => Unit) {
def onSuccess(value: A): Unit
def onError(ex: E): Unit
This callback type has a contract:
- on completion, if it was a successful execution, one needs to call
- on completion, if the execution ended in error, one needs to call
- after calling
then no more calls are allowed, as that would be a contract violation
In order to protect the contract, you can wrap any such callback into a “safe” implementation that protects against violations:
import monix.execution.Callback
val callback = new Callback[Throwable, Int] {
def onSuccess(value: Int): Unit =
def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit =
// We need an exception reporter, but we can just use a Scheduler
val safeCallback1 =
// But really, we don't need a Scheduler
import monix.execution.UncaughtExceptionReporter
import UncaughtExceptionReporter.{default => r}
val safeCallback2 =
NOTE: when executing Task.runToFuture(callback)
, the provided
callback is automatically wrapped in
, so you don’t
need to worry about it.
In case you just want an empty callback that doesn’t do anything
on onSuccess
, but that can log errors when onError
maybe because you just want the side-effects:
val task = monix.eval.Task(println("Sample"))
// task: monix.eval.Task[Unit] = Eval(thunk = <function0>)
task.runAsync(Callback.empty[Throwable, Unit])
// Sample
// res1: monix.execution.Cancelable = monix.execution.Cancelable.empty
Or maybe you want to convert a Scala Promise
to a Callback
val p = scala.concurrent.Promise[String]()
// p: concurrent.Promise[String] = Future(<not completed>)
val callback = Callback.fromPromise(p)
// callback: Callback[Throwable, String] = <function1>
An interesting effect when dealing with callbacks is that callbacks
calling other callbacks can quickly and easily lead to stack-overflow
errors. So to force a protective asynchronous boundary when calling
or onError
(which may or may not fork a thread):
// Lets pretend we have something meaningful
val ref = Callback.empty[Throwable, String]
val asyncCallback = Callback.forked(ref)