
You are viewing the documentation for the latest Monix 3.x series.
Older versions: 2.x

Introduction #

A Consumer specifies how to consume observables. A Consumer is a factory of subscribers with a completion callback attached, being effectively a way to transform observables into tasks for less error prone consuming of streams.

We already have observers and subscribers, callbacks that we can feed into the subscribe method of Observable for consuming a stream. The problems that Consumer is solving:

  • Observer (and Subscriber) instances are stateful and error prone; for example, by contract, with an observer instance you can subscribe only to a single data-source
  • there’s no standard way to describe observers that will produce a final result; sure, with observables we could foldLeftF and then runAsyncGetFirst or something along those lines, but those operators are usually meant for pure functions and there is no standard way to describe consumers that consume some streams and then finally produce a result; like for example a consumer that writes into a NIO async file channel and then when the stream is finished to return some statistics, like the number of bytes written to disk
  • and you can’t compose these subscribers very well; for example if you have a subscriber instance you can’t feed it into something that can build a load-balancer that processes things in parallel


import monix.eval._
import monix.reactive._

// A consumer that folds over the elements of the stream,
// producing a sum as a result
val sumConsumer = Consumer.foldLeft[Long,Long](0L)(_ + _)

// For processing sums in parallel, useless of course, but can become 
// really helpful for logic sprinkled with I/O bound stuff
val loadBalancer = {
    .loadBalance(parallelism=10, sumConsumer)

val observable: Observable[Long] = Observable.range(0, 100000)
// Our consumer turns our observable into a Task processing sums, w00t!
val task: Task[Long] = observable.consumeWith(loadBalancer)

// Consume the whole stream and get the result
//=> 4999950000

Creating Consumers #

Implementing the low-level interface #

The low-level way of implementing the Consumer is to simply implement that trait. Lets implement a Consumer that calculates the sum of all the Int elements of a stream:

import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.execution.cancelables.AssignableCancelable
import monix.execution.Ack
import monix.execution.Ack.Continue
import monix.execution.Callback
import monix.reactive.Consumer
import monix.reactive.observers.Subscriber

val sumConsumer: Consumer[Int,Long] =
  new Consumer[Int,Long] {
    def createSubscriber(cb: Callback[Throwable, Long], s: Scheduler) = {
      val out = new Subscriber.Sync[Int] {
        implicit val scheduler = s
        private var sum = 0L

        def onNext(elem: Int): Ack = {
          sum += elem

        def onComplete(): Unit = {
          // We are done so we can signal the final result

        def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
          // Error happened, so we signal the error

      // Returning a tuple of our subscriber and a dummy 
      // AssignableCancelable because we don't intend to use it
      (out, AssignableCancelable.dummy)

import monix.reactive.Observable

Observable.fromIterable(0 until 10000)
  .foreach(r => println(s"Result: $r"))
//=> Result: 49995000

So for signaling the final result, we need to call the provided callback. Some notes:

  • calling the callback must obey the contract for the Callback type, in particular either onSuccess or onError must be called exactly once
  • the given callback should always get called unless the upstream gets canceled
  • the given callback can be called when the subscriber is finished processing, but not necessarily
  • if the given callback isn’t called after the subscriber is done processing, then the Task returned by Consumer#apply loses the ability to cancel the stream, as that Task will complete before the stream is finished

Canceling the stream in an Observer usually happens by returning a Stop result from onNext. But there are cases where that is too limiting. For example maybe we want to timeout with an error in case the stream takes too long to emit the next event, in which case we want to terminate with an error and preferably cancel the stream in advance.

The returned tuple contains an AssignableCancelable. This interface is about cancelables that can be assigned another reference, such as SingleAssignmentCancelable. And we can use this AssignableCancelable to cancel the streaming without waiting for an onNext event. In the example above we aren’t using it, so we simply use a dummy. But we could have returned a SingleAssignmentCancelable reference that we could have used in our subscriber implementation to cancel the stream.

Consumer.create #

For a more refined experience when creating consumers, one can use the Consumer.create builder:

import monix.reactive._
import monix.execution.Ack
import monix.execution.Ack.Continue

val sumConsumer: Consumer[Int,Long] =
  Consumer.create[Int,Long] { (scheduler, cancelable, callback) =>
    new Observer.Sync[Int] {
      private var sum = 0L

      def onNext(elem: Int): Ack = {
        sum += elem

      def onComplete(): Unit = {
        // We are done so we can signal the final result

      def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
        // Error happened, so we signal the error

Using the create builder is similar to implementing the Consumer trait directly. Differences:

  1. the factory function gets surrounded with try/catch and in case of failure, the error is raised by means of the callback and the stream gets canceled
  2. a cancelable instance gets automatically injected; calling cancel on it will attempt to cancel the stream, following the rules of cancelables returned by observable subscriptions and its usage remains optional

Consumer.fromObserver #

A simpler way to create a Consumer[A, Unit] out of any Observer instance is fromObserver. These consumers only signal when they are done processing the stream with a Unit. Let’s build a simple consumer that does nothing but to log incoming items to stdout:

import monix.reactive.{Consumer, Observer}
import monix.execution.Ack
import monix.execution.Ack.Continue

def dumpConsumer[A](
  prefix: String, 
  out: PrintStream = System.out): Consumer[A, Unit] = {

  Consumer.fromObserver[A] { implicit scheduler =>
    new Observer.Sync[A] {
      def onNext(elem: A): Ack = {
      def onComplete() = 
        out.println(s"O is complete")
      def onError(ex: Throwable) = 
        out.println(s"O terminated with $ex")

Notice there is no callback or cancelable to worry about, as the underlying implementation of Consumer.fromObserver takes care of it.

Pre-built Consumers #

Consume a stream until completion #

The pre-built Consumer.complete will consume a stream until its completion and then finally trigger a notification when onComplete happens, or signal the error if onError happens:

  Observable.range(0, 4).dump("O")
    .foreach(_ => println("Consumer completed"))

  //=> 0: O-->0
  //=> 1: O-->1
  //=> 2: O-->2
  //=> 3: O-->3
  //=> 4: O completed
  //=> Consumer completed

Cancel the stream on subscription #

Here’s a consumer that immediately cancels its upstream after subscription, such that consuming a stream with this consumer will result in a subscription followed by its immediate cancellation:


A similar consumer, one that immediately cancels the upstream, but that also signals an error:

Consumer.raiseError(new RuntimeException("Don't know how!"))

Accumulate Items with FoldLeft #

Here’s a consumer that applies a function to an initial state and the first item emitted by the source observable, then feeding the result of this function back into the function along with the second item emitted by the source observable, continuing this process until the source emits its final item and completes, whereupon the consumer will emit the final value returned by the function:

import monix.reactive._

val sum = Consumer.foldLeft[Long,Long](0L)(_ + _)

// Usage
Observable.range(0, 1000)
 .foreach(r => println(s"SUM: $r"))
//=> SUM: 499500

In the example the fold function is returning a simple sum between the current state (also called the accumulator) and the current item and we start from zero, thus the built consumer will consume streams of long integers and signal a total sum on their completion.

A second variant of the foldLeft consumer allows for returning a Task as the result of the fold function, thus being useful for doing asynchronous processing as part of that logic. This sample isn’t useful, but you can easily see that you can insert I/O logic in there:

import monix.eval.Task
import concurrent.duration._

val sum = Consumer.foldLeftTask[Long,Long](0L) { (acc, elem) => 
  Task(acc + elem).delayExecution(10.millis)

Returning the head #

Observables have powerful facilities for transforming and processing a data-source and often all we need is to return the first generated item and then stop. In such instances we can use Consumer.head:

import monix.reactive._

val sum: Task[Long] = {
//=> 499500

The Consumer.head can be problematic for empty streams, since it assumes that the source will generate at least one item. Therefore for empty streams it ends up signaling a NoSuchElementException:


//=> java.util.NoSuchElementException: head

To play it safe, we can use Consumer.headOption instead:

val first: Task[Option[Int]] =
//=> None

Or we can simply get the first Notification that happened, be it OnNext, OnComplete or OnError and then stop, by means of Consumer.firstNotification:

import monix.reactive.Notification.{OnNext, OnComplete, OnError}

val observable = Observable.empty[Int]
val task =

task.runToFuture.foreach {
  case OnComplete => println("onComplete")
  case OnError(ex) => println(s"onError($ex)")
  case OnNext(elem) => println(s"onNext(elem)")

Foreach item execute a callback #

The classic foreach operation is available for consumers:

import monix.reactive._

val source = Observable.range(0,1000)
val logger = Consumer.foreach[Long](x => println(s"Elem: $x"))

val task = source.consumeWith(logger)
// task: Task[Unit] = Async(<function3>)

In the context of asynchronous streaming, for each item many times you want to execute an asynchronous process, like a web request. In such a case there’s Consumer.foreachAsync whose callback can return a Task[Unit] instead:

Consumer.foreachAsync[Long] { item =>
  // Play WS, or whatever ...
  val req = ws.clientUrl(s"$item").post()
  Task.fromFuture(req).map(_ => ())

Or if you want to impress your friends, you can execute that foreach in parallel:

Consumer.foreachParallel[Long](parallelism=10) { item => ??? }

Well OK, this seems more glamour than substance, as for this to be worth it, that function needs to do something really expensive, as otherwise it will be much less efficient than the simple version. And the author hopes you’re not doing blocking I/O.

For doing I/O on the other hand, this can be very useful. For example, with the parallelism specified as 10, we could ensure parallel execution of 10 http requests at the same time and no more:

Consumer.foreachParallelTask[Long](parallelism=10) { item =>
  // Play WS, or whatever ...
  val req = ws.clientUrl(s"$item").post()
  Task.fromFuture(req).map(_ => ())

Load-balancing consumers and parallel processing #

As a generalization of foreachParallel and foreachParallelTask, we can place a load-balancer in front of any consumer. Here’s a consumer that processes sums in parallel:

val sumConsumer = 
val parallelConsumer = 
  Consumer.loadBalance(parallelism=10, sumConsumer).map(_.sum)

    .foreach(r => println(s"Result: $r"))

  //=> Result: 49995000

This can be used:

  1. to process things in parallel, but with a parallelism limit
  2. it can also be used for I/O, like for doing at most 10 requests in parallel and back-pressure the source if the consumers are too slow

You can also combine different consumer instances that can have different behavior:

val sumConsumer1 = 
val sumConsumer2 = 

val parallelConsumer = 
  Consumer.loadBalance(sumConsumer1, sumConsumer2).map(_.sum)

The final generated result is going to be a sequence of results collected from all subscribers, hence the final .map(_.sum) to aggregate them all.