
You are viewing the documentation for the latest Monix 3.x series.
Older versions: 2.x

Introduction #

Coeval is a data type for controlling synchronous, possibly lazy evaluation, useful for describing lazy expressions and for controlling side-effects. It is the sidekick of Task, being meant for computations that are guaranteed to execute immediately (synchronously).

Vocabulary definition:

1) Having the same age or date of origin; contemporary

2) Something of the same era

3) Synchronous

Yes, the name was chosen because it is sort of a synonym for synchronous, though it must be admitted it’s also because of a fascination of FP developers for co-things ♥◡♥


import monix.eval.Coeval

val coeval = Coeval {

// Coeval has lazy behavior, so nothing
// happens until being evaluated:
//=> Effect!
// res1: String = Hello!

// And we can handle errors explicitly:
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}

coeval.runTry match {
 case Success(value) =>
 case Failure(ex) =>

Design Summary #

In summary the Monix Coeval:

  • resembles Task, but works only for immediate, synchronous evaluation
  • can be a replacement for lazy val and by-name parameters
  • doesn’t trigger the execution, or any effects until value or run
  • allows for controlling of side-effects
  • handles errors

A visual representation of where Coeval sits in the design space:

  Eager Lazy
Synchronous A () => A
Asynchronous (A => Unit) => Unit (A => Unit) => Unit
  Future[A] Task[A]

So what problems are we solving?

  • lazy val cannot be expressed by developers as a type, you cannot take a lazy val parameter or return a lazy val from a function
  • ditto for by-name parameters, being just syntactic sugar that the compiler understand, but a proper type isn’t properly exposed by Scala
  • Scala has @tailrec as a compiler workaround to the JVM not supporting tail-calls elimination, but it does not work for mutually tail recursive calls and thus limited
  • The scala.util.Try type is overlapping in scope, given the Coeval focus on error handling, but doesn’t have lazy behavior

Coeval can replace both lazy val and by-name parameters, allowing one to control evaluation and to do error handling. It’s also stack safe and with it you can describe mutually tail-recursive algorithms, which are incredibly important in FP.

Comparison with Cats Eval #

The whole Monix library stands on the shoulders of giants and Coeval is definitely inspired by the Eval data-type in Cats, hence credit should be given where credit is due.

The Cats Eval is a very light type that’s concerned just with controlling evaluation. It’s more limited and that’s not a bad thing. People using Eval are not using it as a replacement for an I/O Monad.

But the Monix Coeval works as a side-kick to Task, being for those instances where you don’t want the asynchronous nature of Task. This means that Coeval scales from delaying simple arithmetic operations up to controlling side-effects, and if you want, it can also function as a replacement for an I/O Monad. And because it’s the legitimate sibling of Task, conversion back and forth is smooth (within limits).

Or in more concrete terms, at the moment of writing this, the Monix Coeval takes care of error handling, while the Cats Eval does not, providing operations for recovery, thus also working well as a replacement for Scala’s Try type.

Evaluation #

To evaluate a Coeval instance you can invoke its value command:

val coeval = Coeval {
  1 + 1

// Nothing happens until this point:
//=> Effect!
// res: Int = 2

But value might trigger exceptions, if somewhere in the evaluation chain exceptions have happened. Instead of value we can expose errors by means of runTry:

import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

val coeval = Coeval[Int] {
  throw new RuntimeException("Hello!")

coeval.runTry match {
  case Success(value) =>
    println(s"Success: $value")
  case Failure(ex) =>
    println(s"Error: $ex")

// Will print:
//=> Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Hello!

Eager, the replacement for scala.util.Try #

The runTry method returns a scala.util.Try, but if you looked at the source code, the implementation of Coeval uses two states called Now(value) and Error(ex), inheriting from Coeval and that are perfect equivalents for the scala.util.Try states called Success and Failure. And in fact an Eager sub-type of Coeval is exposed as an ADT that you can use instead of scala.util.Try:

import monix.eval.Coeval
import monix.eval.Coeval.{Eager, Now, Error}

val coeval1 = Coeval(1 + 1)

val result1: Eager[Int] =
// result1 = Now(2)

val coeval2 = Coeval.raiseError[Int](new RuntimeException("Hello!"))

val result2: Eager[Int] =
// result = Error(java.lang.RuntimeException: Hello!)

Hence the Coeval type, or more precisely Coeval.Eager, can work as a replacement for scala.util.Try, although note that even if the values boxed by Now and Error are already evaluated, when invoking operators on them, like flatMap, the behavior is still lazy, which is the main difference between Eager and Try.

Convert any Coeval into a Task #

For converting any Coeval into a Task:

import monix.eval.Task

val coeval = Coeval.eval(1 + 1)

val task =[Task]
// task: Task[Int] = Always(<function0>)

Task and Coeval being siblings, they have similar internal states and conversion from a Coeval into a Task is direct and efficient.

Builders #

Coeval can replace functions accepting zero arguments, Scala by-name params, lazy val or scala.util.Try. Here’s how you can build instances: # lifts an already known value in the Coeval context, the equivalent of Applicative.pure:

import monix.eval.Coeval

val coeval = { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
//=> Effect
// coeval: monix.eval.Coeval[String] = Now(Hello!)

Coeval.eval #

Coeval.eval is the equivalent of Function0, taking a function that will always be evaluated on invocation of value:

val coeval = Coeval.eval { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// coeval: monix.eval.Coeval[String] = Once(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

// The evaluation (and thus all contained side effects)
// gets triggered every time
//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

Coeval.evalOnce #

Coeval.evalOnce is the equivalent of a lazy val, a type that cannot be precisely expressed in Scala. The evalOnce builder does memoization on the first run, such that the result of the evaluation will be available for subsequent runs. It also has guaranteed idempotency and thread-safety:

val coeval = Coeval.evalOnce { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// coeval: monix.eval.Coeval[String] = Once(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

// Result was memoized on the first run!
//=> Hello!

Coeval.defer #

Coeval.defer is about building a factory of coevals. For example this will behave approximately like Coeval.eval:

val coeval = Coeval.defer { { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }
// coeval: monix.eval.Coeval[String] = Suspend(<function0>)

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

Coeval.raiseError #

Coeval.raiseError can lift errors in the monadic context of Coeval:

val error = Coeval.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)
// error: monix.eval.Coeval[Int] =
//   Error(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)

//=> Failure(java.lang.IllegalStateException)

Coeval.unit #

Coeval.unit is returning an already completed Coeval[Unit] instance, provided as an utility, to spare you creating new instances with

val coeval = Coeval.unit
// coeval: monix.eval.Coeval[Unit] = Now(())

This instance is shared, so that can relieve some stress from the garbage collector.

Memoization #

The Coeval#memoize operator can take any Coeval and apply memoization on the first evaluation (such as value, runTry) such that:

  1. you have guaranteed idempotency, calling value multiple times will have the same effect as calling it once
  2. subsequent evaluations will reuse the result computed by the first evaluation

So memoize effectively caches the result of the first value or runTry call. In fact we can say that:

Coeval.evalOnce(f) <-> Coeval.eval(f).memoize

They are effectively the same. And at the moment of writing, the implementation of memoize actually pattern matches on the source to see if we are dealing with an Always transforming it into an Once. You shouldn’t rely on this behavior, but this gives you an idea of the properties involved: for the layman, you can say that memoize turns your Coeval into a lazy val.

And memoize works with any coeval reference:

import monix.eval.Coeval

// Has async execution, to do the .apply semantics
val coeval = Coeval { println("Effect"); "Hello!" }

val memoized = coeval.memoize

//=> Effect
//=> Hello!

//=> Hello!

Operations #

FlatMap and Tail-Recursive Loops #

So lets start with a stupid example that calculates the N-th number in the Fibonacci sequence:

import scala.annotation.tailrec

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): BigInt = {
  if (cycles > 0)
    fib(cycles-1, b, a + b)

We need this to be tail-recursive, hence the use of the @tailrec annotation from Scala’s standard library. And if we’d describe it with Coeval, one possible implementation would be:

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Coeval[BigInt] = {
  if (cycles > 0)
    Coeval.defer(fib(cycles-1, b, a+b))

And now there are already differences. This is lazy, as the N-th Fibonacci number won’t get calculated until we evaluate it. The @tailrec annotation is also not needed, as this is stack (and heap) safe.

Coeval has flatMap, which is the monadic bind operation, that for things like Coeval, Task or Future is the operation that describes recursivity or that forces ordering (e.g. execute this, then that, then that). And we can use it to describe recursive calls:

def fib(cycles: Int, a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Coeval[BigInt] =
  Coeval.eval(cycles > 0).flatMap {
    case true =>
      fib(cycles-1, b, a+b)
    case false =>

Again, this is stack safe and uses a constant amount of memory, so no @tailrec annotation is needed or wanted. And it has lazy behavior, as nothing will get triggered until evaluation happens.

But we can also have mutually tail-recursive calls, w00t!

// Mutual Tail Recursion, ftw!!!
  def odd(n: Int): Coeval[Boolean] =
    Coeval.eval(n == 0).flatMap {
      case true =>
      case false => even(n - 1)

  def even(n: Int): Coeval[Boolean] =
    Coeval.eval(n == 0).flatMap {
      case true =>
      case false => odd(n - 1)


Again, this is stack safe and uses a constant amount of memory.

The Applicative: zip2, zip3, … zip6 #

When using flatMap, we often end up with this:

val locationTask: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)
val phoneTask: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)
val addressTask: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)

// Ordered operations based on flatMap ...
val aggregate = for {
  location <- locationTask
  phone <- phoneTask
  address <- addressTask
} yield {

This gets transformed by the compiler into a batch of flatMap calls. But Coeval is also an Applicative and hence it has utilities, such as zip2, zip3, up until zip6 (at the moment of writing) and also zipList. The example above could be written as:

val locationCoeval: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)
val phoneCoeval: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)
val addressCoeval: Coeval[String] = Coeval.eval(???)

val aggregate =
  Coeval.zip3(locationCoeval, phoneCoeval, addressCoeval).map {
    case (location, phone, address) => "Gotcha!"

In order to avoid boxing into tuples, you can also use map2, map3map6:

Coeval.map3(locationCoeval, phoneCoeval, addressCoeval) { 
  (location, phone, address) => "Gotcha!"

Gather results from a Seq of Coevals #

Coeval.sequence, takes a Seq[Coeval[A]] and returns a Coeval[Seq[A]], thus transforming any sequence of coevals into a coeval with a sequence of results.

val ca = Coeval(1)
val cb = Coeval(2)

val list: Coeval[Seq[Int]] =
  Coeval.sequence(Seq(ca, cb))

//=> List(1, 2)

The results are ordered in the order of the initial sequence.

Restart Until Predicate is True #

The Coeval being a spec, we can restart it at will. And restartUntil(predicate) does that, executing the source over and over again, until the given predicate is true:

import scala.util.Random

val randomEven = {
    .restartUntil(_ % 2 == 0)

//=> -2097793116
//=> 1246761488
//=> 1053678416

Clean-up Resources on Finish #

Coeval.doOnFinish executes the supplied Option[Throwable] => Coeval[Unit] function when the source finishes, being meant for cleaning up resources or executing some scheduled side-effect:

val coeval = Coeval(1)

val withFinishCb = coeval.doOnFinish {
  case None =>
    println("Was success!")
  case Some(ex) =>
    println(s"Had failure: $ex")

//=> Was success!
// res: Int = 1

Error Handling #

Coeval does error handling. Being the side-kick of Task means it gets mostly the same facilities for recovering from error.

First off, even though Monix expects for the arguments given to its operators, like flatMap, to be pure or at least protected from errors, it still catches errors, signaling them on runTry or run:

import monix.eval.Coeval
import scala.util.Random

val coeval = Coeval(Random.nextInt).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case odd =>
    throw new IllegalStateException(odd.toString)

// res1: Try[Int] = Success(624170708)

// res2: Try[Int] = Failure(IllegalStateException: -814066173)

Recovering from Error #

Coeval.onErrorHandleWith is an operation that takes a function mapping possible exceptions to a desired fallback outcome, so we could do this:

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.TimeoutException

val source = Coeval.raiseError[String](new IllegalStateException)

val recovered = source.onErrorHandleWith {
  case _: IllegalStateException =>
    // Oh, we know about illegal states, recover it"Recovered!")
  case other =>
    // We have no idea what happened, raise error!

// res1: Try[String] = Success(Recovered!)

There’s also Coeval.onErrorRecoverWith that takes a partial function instead, so we can omit the “other” branch:

val recovered = source.onErrorRecoverWith {
  case _: IllegalStateException =>
    // Oh, we know about illegal states, recover it"Recovered!")

// res: Try[String] = Success(Recovered!)

Coeval.onErrorHandleWith and Coeval.onErrorRecoverWith are the equivalent of flatMap, only for errors. In case we know or can evaluate a fallback result eagerly, we could use the shortcut operation Coeval.onErrorHandle like:

val recovered = source.onErrorHandle {
  case _: IllegalStateException =>
    // Oh, we know about illegal states, recover it
  case other =>
    throw other // Rethrowing

Or the partial function version with onErrorRecover:

val recovered = source.onErrorRecover {
  case _: IllegalStateException =>
    // Oh, we know about illegal states, recover it

Restart On Error #

The Coeval type, being just a specification, it can usually restart whatever process is supposed to deliver the final result and we can restart the source on error, for how many times are needed:

import scala.util.Random

val source = Coeval(Random.nextInt).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case other =>
    Coeval.raiseError(new IllegalStateException(other.toString))

// Will retry 4 times for a random even number,
// or fail if the maxRetries is reached!
val randomEven = source.onErrorRestart(maxRetries = 4)

We can also restart with a given predicate:

import scala.util.Random

val source = Coeval(Random.nextInt).flatMap {
  case even if even % 2 == 0 =>
  case other =>
    Coeval.raiseError(new IllegalStateException(other.toString))

// Will keep retrying for as long as the source fails
// with an IllegalStateException
val randomEven = source.onErrorRestartIf {
  case _: IllegalStateException => true
  case _ => false

Expose Errors #

The Coeval monadic context is hiding errors that happen, much like Scala’s Try or Future. But sometimes we want to expose those errors such that we can recover more efficiently:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

val source = Coeval.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)
val materialized: Coeval[Try[Int]] =

// Now we can flatMap over both success and failure:
val recovered = materialized.flatMap {
  case Success(value) =>
  case Failure(_) =>

// res: Int = 0

There’s also the reverse of materialize, which is Coeval.dematerialize:

import scala.util.Try

val source = Coeval.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)

// Exposing errors
val materialized = source.materialize
// materialize: Coeval[Try[Int]] = ???

// Hiding errors again
val dematerialized = materialized.dematerialize
// dematerialized: Coeval[Int] = ???

We can also convert any Coeval into a Coeval[Throwable] that will expose any errors that happen and will also terminate with an NoSuchElementException in case the source completes with success:

val source = Coeval.raiseError[Int](new IllegalStateException)

val throwable = source.failed
// throwable: Coeval[Throwable] = ???

// res: Try[Throwable] = Success(java.lang.IllegalStateException)