
  • package root

    This is the API documentation for the Monix library.

    Package Overview

    monix.execution exposes lower level primitives for dealing with asynchronous execution:

    monix.catnap exposes pure abstractions built on top of the Cats-Effect type classes:

    monix.eval is for dealing with evaluation of results, thus exposing Task and Coeval.

    monix.reactive exposes the Observable pattern:

    monix.tail exposes Iterant for purely functional pull based streaming:

    • monix.tail.batches describes Batch and BatchCursor, the alternatives to Scala's Iterable and Iterator respectively that we are using within Iterant's encoding

    You can control evaluation with type you choose - be it Task, Coeval, cats.effect.IO or your own as long as you provide correct cats-effect or cats typeclass instance.

    Definition Classes
  • package monix
    Definition Classes
  • package execution
    Definition Classes
  • package annotations
    Definition Classes
  • package atomic

    A small toolkit of classes that support compare-and-swap semantics for safe mutation of variables.

    A small toolkit of classes that support compare-and-swap semantics for safe mutation of variables.

    On top of the JVM, this means dealing with lock-free thread-safe programming. Also works on top of Javascript, with Scala.js, for API compatibility purposes and because it's a useful way to box a value.

    The backbone of Atomic references is this method:

    def compareAndSet(expect: T, update: T): Boolean

    This method atomically sets a variable to the update value if it currently holds the expect value, reporting true on success or false on failure. The classes in this package also contain methods to get and unconditionally set values.

    Building a reference is easy with the provided constructor, which will automatically return the most specific type needed (in the following sample, that's an AtomicDouble, inheriting from AtomicNumber[A]):

    val atomicNumber = Atomic(12.2)
    // => 13.2

    These also provide useful helpers for atomically mutating of values (i.e. transform, transformAndGet, getAndTransform, etc...) or of numbers of any kind (incrementAndGet, getAndAdd, etc...).

    Definition Classes
  • package cancelables

    Cancelables represent asynchronous units of work or other things scheduled for execution and whose execution can be canceled.

    Cancelables represent asynchronous units of work or other things scheduled for execution and whose execution can be canceled.

    One use-case is the scheduling done by monix.execution.Scheduler, in which the scheduling methods return a Cancelable, allowing the canceling of the scheduling.


    val s = ConcurrentScheduler()
    val task = s.scheduleRepeated(10.seconds, 50.seconds, {
    // later, cancels the scheduling ...
    Definition Classes
  • package exceptions
    Definition Classes
  • package misc
    Definition Classes
  • CanBindLocals
  • HygieneUtilMacros
  • InlineMacros
  • Local
  • ThreadLocal
  • package rstreams

    Package exposing utilities for working with the Reactive Streams specification.

    Package exposing utilities for working with the Reactive Streams specification.

    Definition Classes
  • package schedulers
    Definition Classes

package misc

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. misc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CanBindLocals[R] extends AnyRef

    Type class describing how Local binding works for specific data types.

    Type class describing how Local binding works for specific data types.

    This is needed because asynchronous data types, like Future, that can be waited on, should also clear the modified context after completion.

    NOTE: this type class does not work for data types that suspend the execution, like Coeval or Task, because Local is meant to be used in a side effectful way. Instances of this type class can't be implemented for data types like Task, as a technical limitation, because Task would also need a suspended Context evaluation in bindContext.

    @implicitNotFound("""Cannot find an implicit value for CanBindLocals[${R}].
    If ${R} is the result of a synchronous action, either build an implicit with
    CanBindLocals.synchronous or import CanBindLocals.Implicits.synchronousAsDefault."""
  2. trait HygieneUtilMacros extends AnyRef

    Utilities for macro-hygiene.

  3. trait InlineMacros extends AnyRef
  4. final class Local[A] extends LocalDeprecated[A]

    A Local is a ThreadLocal whose scope is flexible.

    A Local is a ThreadLocal whose scope is flexible. The state of all Locals may be saved or restored onto the current thread by the user. This is useful for threading Locals through execution contexts.

    Because it's not meaningful to inherit control from two places, Locals don't have to worry about having to merge two contexts.

    Note: the implementation is optimized for situations in which save and restore optimizations are dominant.

  5. final class ThreadLocal[A] extends AnyRef

    Cross-platform equivalent for java.lang.ThreadLocal, for specifying thread-local variables.

    Cross-platform equivalent for java.lang.ThreadLocal, for specifying thread-local variables.

    These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its ThreadLocal#get or ThreadLocal#set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. type AsyncQueue[A] = execution.AsyncQueue[A]

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncQueue

  2. type AsyncSemaphore = execution.AsyncSemaphore

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncSemaphore

  3. type AsyncVar[A] = execution.AsyncVar[A]

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncVar

Value Members

  1. object CanBindLocals extends CanIsolateInstancesLevel1
  2. object Local extends LocalCompanionDeprecated

  3. object ThreadLocal

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def AsyncQueue: execution.AsyncQueue

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncQueue

  2. def AsyncSemaphore: execution.AsyncSemaphore

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncSemaphore

  3. def AsyncVar: execution.AsyncVar

    (Since version 3.0.0) Switch to monix.execution.AsyncVar

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
