
final class Local[A] extends LocalDeprecated[A]

A Local is a ThreadLocal whose scope is flexible. The state of all Locals may be saved or restored onto the current thread by the user. This is useful for threading Locals through execution contexts.

Because it's not meaningful to inherit control from two places, Locals don't have to worry about having to merge two contexts.

Note: the implementation is optimized for situations in which save and restore optimizations are dominant.

Linear Supertypes
LocalDeprecated[A], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Local
  2. LocalDeprecated
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Local(default: () => A)

Value Members

  1. def :=(value: A): Unit

    Alis for update.

  2. def apply(): A

    Returns the current value of this Local.

  3. def bind[R](value: A)(f: => R)(implicit R: CanBindLocals[R]): R

    Execute a block with a specific local value, restoring the current state upon completion.

    Execute a block with a specific local value, restoring the current state upon completion.

    The implementation uses the CanBindLocals type class because in case of asynchronous data types that should be waited on, like Future or CompletableFuture, then the locals context also needs to be cleared on the future's completion, for correctness.

  4. def bindClear[R](f: => R)(implicit R: CanBindLocals[R]): R

    Execute a block with the Local cleared, restoring the current state upon completion.

    Execute a block with the Local cleared, restoring the current state upon completion.

    The implementation uses the CanBindLocals type class because in case of asynchronous data types that should be waited on, like Future or CompletableFuture, then the locals context also needs to be cleared on the future's completion, for correctness.

  5. def clear(): Unit

    Clear the Local's value.

    Clear the Local's value. Other Locals are not modified.

    General usage should be in Local.isolate to avoid leaks.

  6. def get: A

    Alias for apply.

  7. val key: Key
  8. def update(value: A): Unit

    Updates the value of this Local.

  9. def value: Option[A]

    Returns the current value of this Local, or None in case this local should fallback to the default.

    Returns the current value of this Local, or None in case this local should fallback to the default.

    Use apply in case automatic fallback is needed.

  10. def value_=(update: Option[A]): Unit

    Updates the current value of this Local.

    Updates the current value of this Local. If the given value is None, then the local gets cleared.

    This operation is a mixture of apply and clear.