Monix: Version 2.3.3, Critical Bug Fixes

This is a maintenance release, that is binary backwards compatible with series 2.3.x.

Upgrade to 2.3.3 is recommended, as it contains critical bug fixes! See list below for more details.

A release for the 3.0.0-Mx series will follow either today or tomorrow.

Issues #

Bug fixes:

  • Issue #468: Observables created using concat don’t get canceled (critical)
  • Issue #483: stack overflow error on MVar.put
  • Issue #541: observable.take(0) shouldn’t subscribe to the source at all
  • Issue #475: Observable.fromAsyncStateAction does not protect against exceptions thrown in use code

Issue #468 in particular is pretty serious as it can lead to resource leaks. Read the pull request for more details.

Upgrading #

To use the new version, include this in your build.sbt (and use %%% for Scala.js):

libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix" % "2.3.3"