



package exceptions

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class APIContractViolationException extends RuntimeException with Serializable

    Generic exception thrown on API contract violations.

  2. class BufferOverflowException extends RuntimeException with Serializable

    An exception emitted on buffer overflows, like when using OverflowStrategy.Fail.

  3. class CompositeException extends RuntimeException with Serializable

    A composite exception represents a list of exceptions that were caught while delaying errors.

  4. class DownstreamTimeoutException extends TimeoutException with Serializable

    Exception thrown whenever a downstream listener on a back-pressured data-source is taking too long to process a received event.

  5. final case class DummyException (message: String) extends RuntimeException with Serializable with Product

    Used in testing to trigger dummy exceptions.

    Used in testing to trigger dummy exceptions.

    Not to be used for anything except in testing, since this exception type implements structural equality.

    This means that these 2 exceptions are considered equal, even if they have different stack-traces:

    val dummy1 = DummyException("dummy")
    val dummy2 = DummyException("dummy")
    dummy == dummy2
    //=> true
  6. class ExecutionRejectedException extends RuntimeException with Serializable

    Exception thrown whenever an execution attempt was rejected.

    Exception thrown whenever an execution attempt was rejected.

    Such execution attempts can come for example from Task or from methods returning Future references, with this exception being thrown in case the execution was rejected due to in place protections, such as a circuit breaker.

  7. class UpstreamTimeoutException extends TimeoutException with Serializable

    Exception thrown whenever a upstream listener on a back-pressured data-source is taking too long to process a received event.