



package types

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllSyntax extends ApplicativeSyntax with CoflatMapSyntax with ComonadSyntax with FunctorSyntax with MonadSyntax with MonadFilterSyntax with RecoverableSyntax with MemoizableSyntax


    Groups all syntax extensions.

  2. trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Serializable


    The Applicative type-class is a Functor that also adds the capability of lifting a value in the context.

    The Applicative type-class is a Functor that also adds the capability of lifting a value in the context.

    Described in Applicative Programming with Effects.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from ApplicativeClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due. The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  3. trait ApplicativeClass[F[_]] extends Applicative[F] with FunctorClass[F]


    The ApplicativeClass provides the means to combine Applicative instances with other type-classes.

    The ApplicativeClass provides the means to combine Applicative instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Applicative instances.

  4. trait ApplicativeSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for Applicative.

  5. trait CoflatMap[F[_]] extends Serializable


    A type-class providing the coflatMap operation, the dual of flatMap.

    A type-class providing the coflatMap operation, the dual of flatMap.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from CoflatMapClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  6. trait CoflatMapClass[F[_]] extends CoflatMap[F] with FunctorClass[F]


    The CoflatMapClass provides the means to combine CoflatMap instances with other type-classes.

    The CoflatMapClass provides the means to combine CoflatMap instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by CoflatMap instances.

  7. trait CoflatMapSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for CoflatMap.

  8. trait Comonad[F[_]] extends Serializable


    The Comonad type-class is the dual of Monad.

    The Comonad type-class is the dual of Monad. Whereas Monads allow for the composition of effectful functions, Comonads allow for composition of functions that extract the value from their context.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from ComonadClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  9. trait ComonadClass[F[_]] extends Comonad[F] with CoflatMapClass[F]


    The ComonadClass provides the means to combine Comonad instances with other type-classes.

    The ComonadClass provides the means to combine Comonad instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Comonad instances.

  10. trait ComonadSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for Comonad.

  11. trait Deferrable[F[_]] extends Serializable


    Type-class describing an Applicative which supports capturing a deferred evaluation of a by-name F[A].

    Type-class describing an Applicative which supports capturing a deferred evaluation of a by-name F[A].

    Evaluation can be suspended until a value is extracted. The suspend operation can be thought of as a factory of F[A] instances, that will produce fresh instances, along with possible side-effects, on each evaluation.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from DeferrableClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due. The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been inspired by Cats and FS2.

  12. trait DeferrableClass[F[_]] extends Deferrable[F] with ApplicativeClass[F]


    The DeferrableClass provides the means to combine Deferrable instances with other type-classes.

    The DeferrableClass provides the means to combine Deferrable instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Deferrable instances.

  13. trait Functor[F[_]] extends Serializable


    A functor provides the map operation that allows lifting an f function into the functor context and applying it.

    A functor provides the map operation that allows lifting an f function into the functor context and applying it.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from FunctorClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  14. trait FunctorClass[F[_]] extends Functor[F]


    The FunctorClass provides the means to combine Functor instances with other type-classes.

    The FunctorClass provides the means to combine Functor instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Functor instances.

  15. trait FunctorSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for Functor.

  16. trait Memoizable[F[_]] extends Serializable


    A type-class for F[A] suspendable applicatives whose evaluation can be memoized, along with a guarantee that the side-effects only happen once.

    A type-class for F[A] suspendable applicatives whose evaluation can be memoized, along with a guarantee that the side-effects only happen once.

    The memoize operation takes an F[_] instance and returns a new F that guarantees that its evaluation and all related side-effects only happen once, with the results to be reused on subsequent evaluations.

  17. trait MemoizableClass[F[_]] extends Memoizable[F] with DeferrableClass[F]


    The MemoizableClass provides the means to combine Memoizable instances with other type-classes.

    The MemoizableClass provides the means to combine Memoizable instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Memoizable instances.

  18. trait MemoizableSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for Memoizable.

  19. trait Monad[F[_]] extends Serializable


    The Monad type-class is a structure that represents computations defined as sequences of steps: : a type with a monad structure defines what it means to chain operations together, or nest functions of that type.

    The Monad type-class is a structure that represents computations defined as sequences of steps: : a type with a monad structure defines what it means to chain operations together, or nest functions of that type.

    See: Monads for functional programming

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from MonadClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  20. trait MonadClass[F[_]] extends Monad[F] with ApplicativeClass[F]


    The MonadClass provides the means to combine Monad instances with other type-classes.

    The MonadClass provides the means to combine Monad instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Monad instances.

  21. trait MonadFilter[F[_]] extends Serializable


    The MonadFilter type-class is equipped with an additional operation which allows us to create an "Empty" value for the Monad (for whatever "empty" makes sense for that particular monad).

    The MonadFilter type-class is equipped with an additional operation which allows us to create an "Empty" value for the Monad (for whatever "empty" makes sense for that particular monad). This is of particular interest to us since it allows us to add a filter method to a Monad, which is used when pattern matching or using guards in for comprehensions.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from MonadFilterClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  22. trait MonadFilterClass[F[_]] extends MonadFilter[F] with MonadClass[F]


    The MonadFilterClass provides the means to combine MonadFilter instances with other type-classes.

    The MonadFilterClass provides the means to combine MonadFilter instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by MonadFilter instances.

  23. trait MonadFilterSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for MonadFilter.

  24. trait MonadRec[F[_]] extends Serializable


    This type-class represents monads with a tail-recursive tailRecM implementation.

    This type-class represents monads with a tail-recursive tailRecM implementation.

    Based on Phil Freeman's Stack Safety for Free.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from MonadClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due. The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  25. trait MonadRecClass[F[_]] extends MonadRec[F] with MonadClass[F]


    The MonadRecClass provides the means to combine MonadRec instances with other type-classes.

    The MonadRecClass provides the means to combine MonadRec instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by MonadRec instances.

  26. trait MonadSyntax extends Serializable


    Provides syntax for Monad.

  27. trait MonoidK[F[_]] extends Serializable


    MonoidK is a universal monoid which operates on kinds.

    MonoidK is a universal monoid which operates on kinds.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from MonoidKClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  28. trait MonoidKClass[F[_]] extends MonoidK[F] with SemigroupKClass[F]


    The MonoidKClass provides the means to combine MonoidK instances with other type-classes.

    The MonoidKClass provides the means to combine MonoidK instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by MonoidK instances.

  29. trait Recoverable[F[_], E] extends Serializable


    The Recoverable type-class is the equivalent of ApplicativeError or of MonadError from other libraries like Cats or Scalaz.

    The Recoverable type-class is the equivalent of ApplicativeError or of MonadError from other libraries like Cats or Scalaz. This type class allows one to abstract over error-handling applicatives.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from RecoverableClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  30. trait RecoverableClass[F[_], E] extends Recoverable[F, E] with ApplicativeClass[F]


    The RecoverableClass provides the means to combine Recoverable instances with other type-classes.

    The RecoverableClass provides the means to combine Recoverable instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by Recoverable instances.

  31. trait RecoverableSyntax extends Serializable

  32. trait SemigroupK[F[_]] extends Serializable


    SemigroupK is a universal semigroup which operates on kinds.

    SemigroupK is a universal semigroup which operates on kinds.

    The purpose of this type-class is to support the data-types in the Monix library and it is considered a shim for a lawful type-class to be supplied by libraries such as Cats or Scalaz or equivalent.

    To implement it in instances, inherit from SemigroupKClass.

    Credit should be given where it is due.The type-class encoding has been copied from the Scado project and Scalaz 8 and the type has been extracted from Cats.

  33. trait SemigroupKClass[F[_]] extends SemigroupK[F]


    The SemigroupKClass provides the means to combine SemigroupK instances with other type-classes.

    The SemigroupKClass provides the means to combine SemigroupK instances with other type-classes.

    To be inherited by SemigroupK instances.

Value Members

  1. object Applicative extends ApplicativeSyntax

  2. object ApplicativeSyntax extends Serializable

  3. object CoflatMap extends CoflatMapSyntax

  4. object CoflatMapSyntax extends Serializable

  5. object Comonad extends ComonadSyntax

  6. object ComonadSyntax extends Serializable

  7. object Deferrable extends Serializable

  8. object Functor extends FunctorSyntax

  9. object FunctorSyntax extends Serializable

  10. object Memoizable extends MemoizableSyntax

  11. object MemoizableSyntax extends Serializable

  12. object Monad extends MonadSyntax

  13. object MonadFilter extends MonadFilterSyntax

  14. object MonadFilterSyntax extends Serializable

  15. object MonadRec extends Serializable

  16. object MonadSyntax extends Serializable

  17. object MonoidK extends Serializable

  18. object Recoverable extends RecoverableSyntax

  19. object RecoverableSyntax extends Serializable

  20. object SemigroupK extends Serializable

  21. object syntax extends AllSyntax


    Provides syntax (extension methods) for usage of monix.types instances.

    Provides syntax (extension methods) for usage of monix.types instances.


    import monix.types.syntax._

    Do not combine with Cats or Scalaz syntax in the same context.
